Wednesday 27 February 2013

Supersize vs Superskinny analyze

1. How are people represented in the clips?

Straight away the two brides are shown as a bad thing, but also two completely different people. But yet they some how mange to make them both look as bad as each other, in the first few shots the two brides are shown in a gloomy, miserable colored and cheap underwear. Their looks also aren't helped by the lighting used in the clips, the lighting causes their skin to look pale and dead towards the audience. So these two majors things combined makes the two brides look unappealing towards the viewers. Thirdly they're also shown as two very picky individuals when it comes to food. The food they eat also doesn't look appealing. Finally to really emphasis on how unappealing their bodies look, the camera shows a range of different shots, mostly being close ups and the occasional pan shots. So overall within the first 2 minutes we create an idea about them being unappealing individuals.  

2. What do you think is the appeal of lifestyle programming such as these?

I personally believe people watch these programs for several reasons, firstly for escapism. The program allows them to escape from everyday life, the shows allows the audience to compare themselves to the two brides shown on the program. Either for better, or for worst. It also helps them escape from bad eating habits, this brings in my second reason why. People watch these programs to learn information, for example if they have similar problems to the two brides and simply don't want to go see a specialist about it, they can simply follow the advice and actions done so by the two brides. It also allows them to seek professional advice as well, this is done via the food clinic expert. The show can also be used a sort of comedy program, people may watch the programs to help them feel more confident in themselves. For example, they may see the two brides and think they've got better bodies and diets etc.

3. Do you believe that lifestyle programming creates and fuels negative ideologies?

I certainly believe that lifestyle programming creates negative ideologies, the negative ideologies start from the very beginning of the program when the two brides are downgraded, this is done by the way they look. Non appealing boring gloomy underwear, and also bright lighting to make their skin a lot paler. The same technique is done in other programs, for example Don't Tell The Bride, the males are shown as idiots who simply don't have a clue what to do. And also get everything wrong. Another example of when negative ideologies are created except with the younger generation is Sun Sex and Suspicious parents, through out this program teenagers are shown as rowdy, obsessive drinkers, not giving a care about life etc. So this gives the audience the impression that all teenagers are like this. I also believe these programs are created for the entertainment factor, with Don't Tell The Bride the audience can laugh at how stupid the males are in the programs.

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