Thursday 14 February 2013


Represented as young and dumb, shown as something completely different that you'd expect from a normal wedding. For example, they don't to the traditional weddings. Cameras show them being typical young people, always partying. Shown as not really taking anything seriously. She's represented Females are shown as shocked, moaning  and not liking it, which causes us to find out what they do. The woman is saying things which suggests that she won't enjoy it. For example "I'm not going to like it." etc.

Supersize vs super skinny, shows them as two middle aged females. But both completely different, i.e. one super skinny, one not. Shown as moany and piccy about foods.

How are people represented in the clips?

During these two clips, people are represented in fairly similar ways. But firstly the first programme, don't tell the bride represents the males as simply young and dumb. This is shown via their actions during the programme. Firstly getting everything wrong from what their girlfriends wanted, and creating the complete opposite from a traditional british wedding. kn

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