Thursday 13 December 2012

Let's Tweet instead of talk: are we losing the ability to communicate in spoken conversations?


- 830 million users on social networking sites
- major sites are twitter and facebook
- you can now access websites via phones (640 million users)
- Allows you to talk to people about your views, posts photos, information, events, etc.
- People posting their own opinions starts bad situations, man went to court over tweet about bombing an airport.
- Social networking also has a lot of cyber bullying within.
- Amanda todd, suffered from cyber bullying via websites such as facebook and twitter
- People spend hours on end on social networking sites, instead of just having a general conversation with someone face to face.
- Allow people to talk to famous artists etc, via twitter. Allows them to follow them and find out what they do, giving them a more personal insight to their lives.
- Social networking sites aren't very secure, as in anyone can read what you put. Facebook is making their site more private.
- Everything gets monitered, for example someone getting arrested for sending hate to Tom Daley.


Let's tweet instead of talk: Are we losing the ability to communicate in spoken conversations?

Social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook are getting more and more popular each day, we're starting to lose the ability to communicate in a spoken conversation by the minute. People spend hours on end on social networking sites, in some peoples cases it's addiction. 830 million people use social networking sites, this reading was taken in 2009 so this figure will most likely be doubled by now. I believe a reason why people are so addicted to social networking sites, is simply because they can create a new identiy for themselves without others knowing. It allows you to voice your own opinoins without voicing it infront of a group of people. So social networking sites give people more confiendence. However there's been several cases when people voicing their own opinoins and thoughts has completely got out of hand, for example when a man had to go to court for posting a joking tweet about blowing up an airport, this got completely out of hand, in the end he won the case. Social networking sites allow members of the public to access the lives of celebrities, and get a more personal insight to their lives. This is done via Twitter, it allows you to follow their profile so everything they post will appear on your feed. It'll also allow users to contact them. The chances of finding out this information in real life is pretty much impossible, so this is on small reason why social networking sites are on the uprise. However it isn't all good with social networking sites, cyber bullying happens a lot. A major case study would be the Amanda Todd situations. Which ended in her ending her life. Cyber bullying is increasing via the minute, as it alows you other people to hate on others without revealing their identiy. So in there eyes, there's no consequences. Social media sites also allow people to keep up with breaking news, for example if a local accident happened you're more likely to hear it via Facebook first than the BBC news. Now that we can access social networking sites via mobiles, more and more people are starting to use it. It allows people to access it via different media platforms. So the audience for social networking sites will widen. However back to the dangers of social networking sites, people get far too confiedent online because their able to create a completely new identidy, they become a target for sexual predetors. Websites such as 'Chatroulette' which allows you to talk to anyone from all over the world. So people are in great danger from sexual predetors, however they don't realise this. This is what Amanda Todd suffered from. Websites such as Facebook contain people like this aswell, on Faceebook and twitter once you post something it's there for everyone to see. However Facebook is now improving their secuirty. By doing this, Facebook will be a safer website to use. So overall people are more confident on social networking sites compared to real life, hence why more and more people use networking sites to contact people.

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